Manoa ICStudy
The problem: ICS students often spend more time than they need on their homework and don’t learn the material as effectively as they could, because they study alone and do not leverage the power of face-to-face study groups with peer mentors.
The solution: Manoa ICStudy is an application for UHM ICS students to self-organize face-to-face study groups around a course and/or specific homework or project topic.
- Create face-to-face study sessions
- Set location, course, date, time, and description
- Finds available study sessions to join
- Automatically sets students in the study session to students and mentors
- Personal User page
- Set courses you have taken and courses you are willing to help others in
- Leaderboard where you gain more points based on joining sessions
In this project, I was responsible for:
The Landing Page and the overall design of the software.
- Logo design
- Navbar & footer
The code of the most functionality for Study Session:
- Create Report/Edit report
- Date format
- Join/leave session system
- All Remove button
- The first version of Participants tab
- Chat tab
User/Admin Home pages
- All Study Session pages/Lists
- Feedback list
- Report List
- Page manage
- Layout and link
Github repo manage
Learned & Experience
- Learned the process and challenges of web software development from this project.
- The organization of modules from group to individual responsibility, the communication with the group during development.
- How to better utilize Javascript to write features to work in web software.
- Using Github to provide version control for software development.
- Ways to manage database commands and utilization, etc.